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Aquaculture and Fisheries Interactions with SCI Bird Species

Project Outputs

The capture of spatial data relating to bird use in inshore and offshore environments and interpreting these data as it relates to various anthropogenic activities is important in implementing management actions. Specifically, the capture of data and subsequent analysis will aid in understanding the interactions between bird species of special conservation interest (SCI) in Special Protection Areas (SPAs), and aquaculture and fisheries activities. This is an important requirement to the management and mitigation of these industries in Natura sites and more widely. The proposed provision of scientific ornithology expertise through external contract, as conveyed here, will enable the better measurement and management of the risks inherent to the provision of scientific advice to DAFM on actions potentially affecting SPC species in SPAs.


This project commenced in 2019 and is due to run to 2021

Project Outputs:

• Capture of explicit spatial and temporal bird data as it relates to marine sites in Ireland.
• Published reports to add to current knowledge base re; interactions of anthropogenic activities and SPA conservation features.
• Timely advice to DAFM re: aquaculture and fishery licensing interactions with bird species and bird habitats.
• Ongoing monitoring reports and advice to DAFM

Expected Benefit:

Detail bird use maps in SPA sites subsequently assisting the MI in its provision of advisory services to DAFM on bird and fishery/aquaculture interactions.

Project Cost - Projected:
Project Status: